A Trip to Swadades is an award-winning feature film drama that tells the story of Schweitzer Haas (Robert Swenson), a 74-year-old retired professor who returns to Philadelphia, the city of his youth, for the first time in twenty years to visit his hermit brother Ezra (Glenn Walsh). The two have never quite seen eye-to-eye, but it seems that Ezra has developed a freakish steel-trap memory, and has been keeping complex memory logs to document their past. As a result, however, Ezra's apartment is a den of bad smells and filthy living conditions. When Schweitzer goes out to get his brother cleaning supplies and gets lost in the city he once knew like the back of his hand, he is found by old friend Claude Schoonover (Stephen Hatzai), a world-class cut-up with a wisecracking but nonetheless laconic "chauffeur" Doobie (Kenneth John McGregor). Claude and Schweitzer visit a place of importance from their past: an old shvitz bath-house. It is there that Schweitzer realizes that he must reconcile with his brother before it is too late and time ultimately runs out for him.

"This film represents a brave and fearlessly creative new voice in American cinema."
    -Henry Jaglom, Filmmaker (Eating, Festival in CannesCan She Bake a Cherry Pie?)

"Films like this just are not made anymore, which makes A Trip to Swadades among of the most intriguing films of the last few years."

2008 / 65 minutes / Black-and-White / Super-16mm / 1.85:1
Written and Directed by Daniel Kremer; Produced by Colin Malone; Executive Producers Kevin Eldridge, Yvonne Yao and Phillip Schneider; Associate Producer Ephraim Asili; Director of Photography Aaron Hollander; Production Designer Paul Sylbert; Art Director Jeffrey Heinbach
Starring Robert Swenson (Schweitzer Haas), Glenn Walsh (Ezra Haas), Stephen Hatzai (Claude Schoonover), Kenneth John McGregor (Doobie), William Cully Allen (Joe the Grocer), Katya Quinn-Judge (Woman in Dream), Naoko Masuda (Strange Minstrel), Gregory Lytle (Young Ezra), Matthew Savoca (Young Schweitzer)

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