A Collection of Chemicals is an absurdist comedy/drama that tells the story of terminally bored recent widower Si Foster (William Cully Allen), an eccentric and terribly lonely puzzle of a man who is also a self-proclaimed eggplant connoisseur. His daughter Sonya (Katya Quinn-Judge) was kidnapped two years prior and, for reasons unknown to her, the ransom somehow never wound being paid. As the Fourth of July approaches and Si finds that he has virtually no one with whom to celebrate the holiday, he finally gets up the nerve to contact the kidnappers through their intermediary. He agrees to pay the ransom with the inheritance he was left and is soon reunited with her...only to find that she has accepted her captors as her new family and has grown to love them as such. Alas, the oddball Si is clueless and inept in interacting and trying to re-establish his relationship with her. But Sonya has a few tricks up her sleeve to get him to reveal why she was seemingly abandoned by her father two years prior...with the help of some strange cargo she has brought back home with her.
2009 / 28 minutes / Color / HD-24P / 1.78:1
Written, Photographed and Directed by Daniel Kremer; Produced by Kevin Eldridge, Yvonne Yao, William Cully Allen and Daniel Kremer; Associate Producers Aaron Hollander and Ephraim Asili; Executive Producers Max Margulies and Cynthia Eberly; Production Designer Charles Thackeray; Sound Design Andrei Litvinov and Alena Kruchkova; Graphic Designer Doctor Pizzoli
Starring William Cully Allen (Si Foster), Katya Quinn-Judge (Sonya Foster), Gabriel Allen (The Masked Man), Keith Baxter (The Pharmacist)
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