The Idiotmaker's Gravity Tour is an exciting and innovatively edited feature film shot and set primarily in India. Max Plugin is a jaded relic of the 60's who has recently turned 57 years old. Currently in a state of high malaise, Max ran away from home at age 16 to hitchhike cross-country from New England. A guru-like figure named Teschlock took Max under his wing when Max reached the Lost Coast area of California. Teschlock invited Max to come to India with him and a few other 'disciples' to live on an ashram. Max, following a truly transcendent meditation experience, declined and returned home. Now, decades later, full of vague regret, Max finds himself in Uttar Pradesh in search of his guru's unknown grave-site. A year after arriving there, Master Teschlock went off and vanished one day in remote rural India, never to be heard from again. It is said that Teschlock buried himself. Max has now come to India for the first time to find the gravesite, following a trail of cryptic clues.

The Idiotmaker’s Gravity Tour is a no-budget, do-it-yourself excursion to India, from a filmmaker of considerable enterprise and admirable aplomb. Actor William Cully Allen has a very dynamic face -- there is a piquant, tragic quality there that makes one understand and gravitate towards him and his mission. The beautiful cinematography and the compelling story guarantee a 'gravity tour' to the East that you won’t regret taking.”
   -Rob Nilsson, Cannes Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival award-winning filmmaker

"Kremer directs The Idiotmaker's Gravity Tour with a fine eye for delicate visual excitement. Local Indian rituals are filmed with the type of respectful calmness you might expect from a filmmaker of more years and experience. Capturing this foreign world is essential to the film’s success and Kremer thankfully allows his scenes to breathe. It’s a refreshingly mature work for a filmmaker still in his 20s. William Cully Allen is excellent in a challenging lead role."
   -Frank Cassella, Philly Broadcaster

"Your life will be enriched by the creator of The Idiotmaker's Gravity Tour.  I promise you."
   -Mostly Film

2011 / 106 minutes / Color / DVCAM 24P to 16mm / 2.35:1
Directed by Daniel Kremer; Written by Daniel Kremer and William Cully Allen, Produced by Erin Lovett Sherman, K.P. Rai and Kevin Eldridge; Director of Photography Aaron Hollander
Starring William Cully Allen (Maxwell Abraham Lowell Plugin), Glenn Walsh (Amos Liggett), Alanna Blair (Megan the Vegan), Julie Edelstein (Nessa Weymouth), William McKeever (Walt Sannfield), K.J. Linhein (The Honored Q. Mordechai Teschlock), Pappu Rai (Pappu), Prashant Pandey (Prashant), Erin Lovett Sherman (Gi Leone), John Gross (Pascal the Hitcher), Khedo Rhajbor (Khedo the Fossil)

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